It would make more sense if robots needed sleep, reserch seems to indicate that it or something like it is needed for all complex minds deriving from earth principles, even octopi need sleep desipte evolving their minds seprately from humans
You might be feeling sleepy cause of the pink adapater thing that you installed on you. Yknow the one you found in the abandoned factory. Even the amp started after you installed it. Spoiler: Also the last memory that you saw during the memory recall process was recorded when you were’nt even active. So i think that the adapter is some sort of storage device as well. It was installed in that other pivot and then you installed it and now you have the memories of the other pivot.
Perhaps the tiredness was part of the “sleep routine” mom was talking about
That’s one sad face robot. First customer; “Hey, Good morning! How you doin’ ?”
PV02; “… What’ll you have?”
Welcome to Hell Pivot
It would make more sense if robots needed sleep, reserch seems to indicate that it or something like it is needed for all complex minds deriving from earth principles, even octopi need sleep desipte evolving their minds seprately from humans
i feel ya pivot -_-
I like that twin-tail emote-face cat-droid back there.
You might be feeling sleepy cause of the pink adapater thing that you installed on you. Yknow the one you found in the abandoned factory. Even the amp started after you installed it. Spoiler: Also the last memory that you saw during the memory recall process was recorded when you were’nt even active. So i think that the adapter is some sort of storage device as well. It was installed in that other pivot and then you installed it and now you have the memories of the other pivot.
If humans can get a jumpstart from coffee, maybe you could get a jumpstart from a high voltage line? Just be careful!
Remember what happened in the logs from here mom?
i think the logs meant a really immense amount of power
a little overcharge probably isn’t so bad
can you drink coffee or do have a energy charge or something (sorry if that was racist)
(wait a minute its 10 02 pm here i am in uk timezone)