049 Epsilon

PV02 is a weekly webcomic about a robot with depression.


9 thoughts on “049 Epsilon”

  1. Denny Danner says:

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  2. Beastwolf says:

    We could meme that mini pivot in the last page.

    1. Spore Cannon says:

      She looks like a Walfas character.

  3. xiannerd says:

    blast off

  4. Anonymous says:

    does this count as dejavu or irony?

  5. GhostWriter says:

    Okay, so you don’t know how to bring out your power manually yet, but there must be a way. Maybe Axle (got it memorized?) can help you figure something out?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Zedrin I must say, noice. This comedy tho, top kek. PV02 Is basically me…

  7. SKW says:

    Ze Axle bubble was removed from zis verzion?

    1. Zedrin says:

      No, it just hadn’t been updated.

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