I wonder how this incindent can be connected with scientist (upload his brains to machine) from first chapter? There is a machine plague or rebellion coming, yes?
Cha-cha. Its funny, nice and few hundred thousands organic strangers wants hot pink ‘bot chiks. But really, there was a pointer near a huge fat obvious gun (Chekhov’s gun) in the end of 1st chapter. So, I expecting…
Nooo, Relay, get out of there~! Don’t you know that investigating a big incident on your own, late at night, leads a death flag via the old ‘They Know Too Much’ and ‘Disconnected by Death’ tropes? Run for it~!
And then plans to use their hide to make some next gen bio armor that can shrug off medium to high yeild military grade weapons for a army of henchmen of an evil madman/scientist? I think I know where EMRE has slipped off to.
Am I the only one who got a chuckle out of the shape of that guy’s head?
Anyways, interesting development!
I wonder how this incindent can be connected with scientist (upload his brains to machine) from first chapter? There is a machine plague or rebellion coming, yes?
I don’t know about a machine rebellion but some crazy virus like Spanish Flu but for robots sounds fairly plausible
Cha-cha. Its funny, nice and few hundred thousands organic strangers wants hot pink ‘bot chiks. But really, there was a pointer near a huge fat obvious gun (Chekhov’s gun) in the end of 1st chapter. So, I expecting…
Nooo, Relay, get out of there~! Don’t you know that investigating a big incident on your own, late at night, leads a death flag via the old ‘They Know Too Much’ and ‘Disconnected by Death’ tropes? Run for it~!
Aww s*** that is true isn’t it? Forgot about that and also
Is anyone else hearing Relay’s voice in their head like that one selarian scientist from Mass Effect?
you spelled ‘cannibalistic’ wrong
That aside…
dat typing tho
Why is she even typing? Couldn’t she just hookup directly to the computer? Wouldn’t that be faster?
Have you hooked up a Apple product to a Mac computer before? They just aren’t compatable
Maybe she is hooked up to one machine doing… something and typing on another.
Maybe it’s more mentally taxing, after all having your mind hooked up to a computer would not be great in the mental health department
They arn’t human, for all we know it could be relaxing
Odd that I only just now got an RSS notification about the update.
I didn’t get none T_T
Hypothesis: Someone is performing illegal experimentation of behemoths that involve cannibalism to develop them.
And then plans to use their hide to make some next gen bio armor that can shrug off medium to high yeild military grade weapons for a army of henchmen of an evil madman/scientist? I think I know where EMRE has slipped off to.
Maybe also a extremely deadly and contagious Bio-Weapon that is like the 1918 Spanish Flu but on steroids
…I hope Relay loosens up a bit later…the poor things too serious and yet so precious.
Let’s hope… it wasn’t someone from Vigilance Agency. I mean, Cute Android Girls for the rescue!
Maybe it was…
(You know like a spy and that espenoge [yes I know I spelled that wrong] kind of stuff, Cold War style)