122 – Recording
Posted on November 17, 2019 at 12:00 pm by Zedrin
Chapter: [7]See you Soon
All these men are yelling and it is making Socket cry
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TagsAll these men are yelling and it is making Socket cry
btw, if you were interested, I have shirts for sale!
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Did someone tip Pivot off, and these guys confused Socket for her?
My money is on he knows that the police is up to something and knows that they plain to send in a female robot in to bug him and he thinks socket is her
But if he hurts her heaven help him a overdrive pv02 is going to go full out rage mode you remember what she did to the breaker right turn that up to a 11
what if socket was recording them…
damn i didnt think socket was a narc
Hurt the cutie.
You get the shootie.
L-( ‘_’)\ “I’m not afraid to use this thing”
No… you don’t get the shootie… YOU GET A FISTIN!!!
Now is that the same Hammer Head Shark from before?
Looking at it as a nooby follow along fan of the series, it’s weird like; robots always recording, u can’t expect all robots to have some kind of lock on their memories. i dont understand what they mean by “recording us”.
Is she broadcasting or something like that?
I really don’t see how a robot can NOT record something if they want to actually “remember” things.
Socket: Um…I have to…-cause…
???: Please dear, speak up! I can hardly understand you.
Socket: I have to because it’s company policy.
???: Really, now?
Socket: Yes. I didn’t mean to-
*BANG*Door gets knocked down
Guard 204: *groans*
Everyone looks at Pivot
Pivot: I…uhh…didn’t mean to do that.
Socket: Pivot!?
Pivot: Oh, hi Socket!
Well… Didn’t see this one coming ! O_O
Sorry Socket
We all love you but, to add drama to the story, I’m afraid you must die
…I absolutely HATE how, despite being one of those people you mention that adores Socket, and especially Socket and Pivot’s relationship, my mind *immediately* jumps to the Game Grumps playing Wand of Gamelon when you mention that.
Even worse is that I could easily see this being one of the gags if they had kept going.
“Thank you for the drink…you must die.”
so botched mission because the bartender gave socket the wrong drink
I think you hit the nail on the head. Socket seems genuinely surprised by his question. I don’t think she would every undertake any kind of undercover work because she literally can not lie. Plus, she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body…so to speak.
I only hope Pivot gets there soon…
Sounds good, but what if he has an informate in the police who told him a “female android will try to place a bug on you when she deilvers your drink.”
Like he is a great evil here so.. It could happen
Is the dagonian name a reference to Father Dagon?
He’s about to use her as a test dummy for an EMP weapon.
It could be, like, a bodycam thing? Like, she records all of her time at this particular establishment for her own safety, which I could sadly see as being a problem for her.
Huh… if anything I’d expect Socket to “record” stuff just so that she can keep track of the orders. Android as she may be, perhaps she’s the forgetful type? Though I don’t think that this is the case given her job… then again… she was created with intent of simulation a real person, was she not?
Maybe she managed to get a hold of the mission details and decided to do it herself to spare her girlfriend?
Really scary moment. Socket’s innocent.
either that, or it was for a perfectly innocent reason.
She is in a place where people get wasted and is going into a back room wearing less than modest clothing. It might just be a safety thing to prove harassment and stuff.
Plot twist: socket works for a different agency 😮 conspiracies
They made Socket cry. They will p a y
golden comment