149 – Landlord
Posted on April 4, 2021 at 12:05 pm by Zedrin
Chapter: [8]Sigma
Pivot ready to commit a violence (in minecraft)
Unrelated, for Easter only my store is having a 15% off sale! https://crowdmade.com/collections/zedrin
TagsPivot ready to commit a violence (in minecraft)
Unrelated, for Easter only my store is having a 15% off sale! https://crowdmade.com/collections/zedrin
The instant I saw the first panel I thought of that meme where Peter griffin says I just want to shoot him
What we expected was gonna happen happened, pivot takes socket to her house.
Good hru
I really like the Story and the characters
I love character/relationship building, it so sweet to see what goes on behind Pivot’s life on the front. Also Pivot take it from me, accept the promotion, you’ll be given extra resources and training opportunities and you can use that to better protect the ones you love.
and there is a simple solution to the “If I die is what they reload me” question is: Don’t Die.
btw I think she is talking about Pivot’s Lease not Socket’s
“I just want to talk”
*pulling out giant fists*
“you’re staying with me tonight”
“but that would break the lease!”
Wait, that mean Socket spending one night out of her “apartment” is against the contract?
That’s uh
Alright then
Socket already spent one night at Pivot’s..
i think she (Socket) meant moving..
Pivot seems to love collecting new roommates doesn’t she. First the thief’s sister and now her girlfriend.
Her strays are better at paying rent than she is, so it’s green!
Given how much Socket had to have been earning on a weekly basis, think this still turns out to be a net gain in Gladys’ (Pivot’s roomie) book.
That landlord is gonna look like a soda can a boxer just finished.
4,400 credits or 1800 usd,, a month..
an depending on location, that might be a “Deal”..
a 10 x 10 room to let, in Hawaii (1990) was 1,100 usd. in Denver (2000) near A.C.C. room to let was 1,500 usd , not including utilities,, (1,700 ave.) .. an then,, NYC. bout 2,000 usd..
..now by Pivot’s reaction, im guessing , this location is a , average 1,100 credit a “MONTH” place..
Well, looks like I was somewhat correct; under the Home Sweet Home comic I left a comment about there possibly being some kind of anti-android redlining going on, and that looks like it’s the case here.
Pivot: HOLY-
Socket: I did…
Landlord?: LE GASPE!
Pivot: Ok, Socket, we gotta go! Thank-you-for-your-introduction-mister-landlord-sir-but-me-and-my-friend-are-about-toleave-kthxbai!
This one is great.
You missed the part where pivot beats the snot out of the landlord
HA HA! Panel 1 memes XD
Given everyone’s reaction to the previous post… Apparently there is a line forming for the same idea
Socket, just let your bae do this for you.
Okay, Pivot, just chill. You don’t need to- oh okay then.
Landlord’s insistin’ on a fistin’ and Pivot’s ready to deliver XD
Pivot aught to Cave the Bastich’s Skull in for ripping off Socket like this
The word “aught” is a noun-like word. What you meant was the verb “ought”.
Ghost rider still won the death battle against lobo